Friday, November 4, 2011

HUMAN PYSCOLOGY...............

Human Psychology, Behavior, Evolutionary evolutionary psychology is the study of the processes of human development. The changes that have occurred during the life time of the man is studied based on two perspective 1) phylogenetic and 2) ontogenetic.

Phylogenetic Study: It involves the evolutionary history of various species during the humanization process.

Octogenetic Study: It studies the formation and development of adult behavior.

The adaptability of man is a cultural phenomenon because it is the product of learning. Human evolutionary psychology is a continuous, flexible and global human development where the psychological changes occur throughout the life. A human is born with limited behavior but has the power of adaptability and learning and because of which one differentiates every individual from other.

Several trends have contributed their findings to evolutionary human psychology, psychoanalysis and Piaget’s genetic psychology, socio-cultural model of Vygotsky, learning theories, the model of information processing in recent times and also the ecological model the ethological. Series of tasks involved in human development, characteristic of different stages. These tasks are largely imposed by society and culture, socialization processes, and integrate the individual.

Object of study of developmental psychology:

The main objectives are to describe the behavior of individuals, and how they evolve, to identify the causes and processes leading to these changes from one stage to another. Other authors relate these changes with life stage, circumstances and environment, and experiences of each individual.

The stage theory of Piaget:

Piaget proposed the study of human knowledge in an evolutionary and diachronic, of genetic epistemology, trying to explain the evolution of human knowledge, both as individual species. Studies the evolution of childhood intelligence and it proposes three stages: the sensorimotor period, the concrete operational and formal operations. Where newborn reflexes are related to sensory-motor intelligence. Specific operations are with the emergence of language and scientific thinking to formal operations.

However, there are intermediate stages linked to qualitative changes. The structure and mechanisms of change are rooted in biology: adaptation and self-regulation or balance. Adaptive exchange between the organism and the environment is similar to that between subject and object of knowledge, a psychological level. The mind seeks balance and the individual's actions arise when the imbalance appears, looking back on.

Assimilation and accommodation allow the subject to incorporate new objects to their cognitive structure and accommodation transforms its previous structure adapting to new knowledge.

Patterns of knowledge are changing continuously depending on the circumstances and roles to play. Applying these to the new object of knowledge given by the process of assimilation and accommodation. Human intelligence is the result of exchanges between the subject and the environment. However, heredity is important in development because there are factors of a structural nature associated with the formation and maturation of the nervous system.

actors of Human Relationships Psychology

At no time had become so widespread the issue of human relationships as is happening now, and this is in part to the widespread use of information which has now changed. Communication is one of the essential features of the human being and human behavior psychology this in itself a social being by nature. Paradoxically, each individual has a unique appearance of a microcosm to put it another way, "every head is a world" and each individual, to be surrounded by other more pressing need to engage with these sooner or later and in some way or another, that by itself already represents a challenge with some difficulty, in fact our interpersonal relationships are somewhat complex entry and now imagine what psychology of human relationships represents.

Other essential factor in our relations is the personality, as this is all transmitter what we communicate in our environment, and it is this, the one that achieves others perceive us as individuals, to define certain features of our very special person. By communicating we are sending our psyche to others at the same time they also convey his, which creates a process that involves the entire human being and his psychology; this is more a development that a range of constituents, it is then a succession of actions and reactions to our environment, with a partial fixation of lived experience and an unlimited view of possibilities. In any time we are sending and receiving messages, and these can be developed or unconsciously, made ​​in an entirely deliberate. So every human being is projected to communicate and so it is in the interaction of the factors that give rise Human Relationships.

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