Sunday, November 20, 2011

the top handsome in bollywood

The Sexiest Indian Men

This tall, dark and handsome hunk is the best man to kick this countdown off with…
#10 Kunal Kapoor
Some of you may wonder why we are including this lesser known actor on this list, but those of you who have seen the photograph below can understand.
Kunal Kapoor - Sexiest Men in India
Kunal Kapoor signifies hope to all us Indian women who are out there looking for some sexy, yet decent, male companionship. Unlike the other, more pampered young-Kapoor, Kunal is a beacon of raw sex appeal, overwhelming good looks, and a mature persona to carry it all off with.
#9 Abhishek Bachchan
The younger Bachchan is without a doubt one smooth criminal. With a piercing glare and a mischievous smile, this young scion of the most popular family in Bollywood, has caught the fancy of far too many urban girls and women. His love for three-piece suits and not taking his shirt off, makes him an exception to this otherwise almost completely bare-chested collection.
Abhishek Bachchan in a sexy photoshoot
What we would really like from the actor now is to separate his image from his father’s and make something one of his own. Hey, he even has Aishwarya Rai for a wife!
#8 Neil Nitin Mukesh
Kick starting his career from a relatively low-key movie, Neil is now part of the mainstream in little over 2 years. Being a fitness fanatic gets him the edge over the previous entrant on this list. Aside from the acting talent, his choice of fashion and style is impeccably tuned to the tastes of an increasingly westernized India.
Neil Nitin Mukesh sexy photo
Despite not tasting success with his recent films, this well-toned man is wanted on the big screen by legions of swooning girls of all ages.
#7 Abhay Deol
The youngest of Deols in the acting fraternity isn’t just the best, but also the sexiest. Abhay has made it his job to opt for smaller, but sensible, movies in an otherwise nonsensical Bollywood. Kudos, hugs and kisses to this dimpled gentleman who is known to never loose his cool.
Abhay Deol - Sexy Indian Man
Torn jeans, a loose tie and a crumbled shirt – this is what makes this man one among this list of 10 very sexy men in India.
#6 Ranbir Kapoor
Who doesn’t like the chocolate boy of every generation? Ranbir is this era’s cute, lovable, and surprisingly toned, heartthrob. Baring everything in his debut movie certainly helped to ring the screaming girls in, but it was his modest, boyish attitude that cemented his inclusion on this list.
Ranbir kapoor - Sexiest man IndiaOne can only hope to see more and more of him in the years to come. Yes, we probably mean more than we saw in Saawariya.
#5 Akshay Kumar
Despite doing some of the stupidest movies we have seen in the last 10 years, Akshay Kumar’s virtues of family, a fab body and the occasional stripping has us loving the man despite his age.
Twinkle is one lucky woman, but above all, Akshay is one lucky man for getting someone who chose to support him through some major slumps in his career.
Akshay Kumar - Sexiest Men in India
Being this good looking an Indian man, Akshay is a hard-worker, a faithful and loving husband, and a playful, at times self-deprecating, superstar who stumbled upon his raw sex appeal with the turn of the millennium.
#4 Salman Khan
Not everybody finds this frequently-shirtless wonder all that good looking, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t sexy. Salman Khan had a fabulous body before anybody in India new what a fab body looks like.
A Sexy Photo of Salman Khan
With his recent success with Dabanng, the actor has once again been heralded as the ultimate sex icon for the majority of Indian women. The bad-boy image that hasn’t left his side since the early 90s continues to attract and repel us from this oh-so-fabulous bodied man.
#3 John Abraham
No list about sexy men in India is complete without the inclusion of John Abraham. He is sexy enough for even our grandmothers to call him good looking. Everything from his body to hair seems to have been conditioned to be worthy of every woman’s unadulterated desire.
John Abraham - Sexiest men in India
While wishing that there was no Bipasha Basu standing beside him everywhere he goes – we women, gay men and even stray dogs (John supports PETA) can’t complain while Mr. Abraham is keeping us distracted.
#2 Hrithik Roshan
With his breakthrough hit Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, Hrithik instantly became the most beautiful man in the subcontinent. His greek god-like good looks make him much more than just another pretty face.
Hrithik Roshan - Sexiest Men in India
The younger (and married) Roshan is without a doubt a very sexy Indian man who likes to keep his private life private. We also know of possessive nature when it comes to his family which just makes him all the more irresistible to the naked eye.
#1 Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan - Sexiest man in India
Now this is a choice that nobody will object to – Shahrukh Khan at number one is an obvious decision. After all, who else can walk on a fashion ramp with a fractured arm and still look sexy!
Shahrukh Khan - Sexiest Man in India
With his charisma, quick sense of humor and family man ethics, Shahrukh proves everybody else on this list wrong – men don’t need to be pretty, good looking or even well toned to be sexy. You either have it, or you don’t – but you cannot just get it! King Khan has so much of “it” that we can’t even begin to describe how sexy this czar of Indian movies really is.
Let us know your top 10 sexiest men in India in the comments below. Do you think we went astray by including one or all of the men mentioned on this list? We look forward to reading what you have to say.

Friday, November 4, 2011

HUMAN PYSCOLOGY...............

Human Psychology, Behavior, Evolutionary evolutionary psychology is the study of the processes of human development. The changes that have occurred during the life time of the man is studied based on two perspective 1) phylogenetic and 2) ontogenetic.

Phylogenetic Study: It involves the evolutionary history of various species during the humanization process.

Octogenetic Study: It studies the formation and development of adult behavior.

The adaptability of man is a cultural phenomenon because it is the product of learning. Human evolutionary psychology is a continuous, flexible and global human development where the psychological changes occur throughout the life. A human is born with limited behavior but has the power of adaptability and learning and because of which one differentiates every individual from other.

Several trends have contributed their findings to evolutionary human psychology, psychoanalysis and Piaget’s genetic psychology, socio-cultural model of Vygotsky, learning theories, the model of information processing in recent times and also the ecological model the ethological. Series of tasks involved in human development, characteristic of different stages. These tasks are largely imposed by society and culture, socialization processes, and integrate the individual.

Object of study of developmental psychology:

The main objectives are to describe the behavior of individuals, and how they evolve, to identify the causes and processes leading to these changes from one stage to another. Other authors relate these changes with life stage, circumstances and environment, and experiences of each individual.

The stage theory of Piaget:

Piaget proposed the study of human knowledge in an evolutionary and diachronic, of genetic epistemology, trying to explain the evolution of human knowledge, both as individual species. Studies the evolution of childhood intelligence and it proposes three stages: the sensorimotor period, the concrete operational and formal operations. Where newborn reflexes are related to sensory-motor intelligence. Specific operations are with the emergence of language and scientific thinking to formal operations.

However, there are intermediate stages linked to qualitative changes. The structure and mechanisms of change are rooted in biology: adaptation and self-regulation or balance. Adaptive exchange between the organism and the environment is similar to that between subject and object of knowledge, a psychological level. The mind seeks balance and the individual's actions arise when the imbalance appears, looking back on.

Assimilation and accommodation allow the subject to incorporate new objects to their cognitive structure and accommodation transforms its previous structure adapting to new knowledge.

Patterns of knowledge are changing continuously depending on the circumstances and roles to play. Applying these to the new object of knowledge given by the process of assimilation and accommodation. Human intelligence is the result of exchanges between the subject and the environment. However, heredity is important in development because there are factors of a structural nature associated with the formation and maturation of the nervous system.

actors of Human Relationships Psychology

At no time had become so widespread the issue of human relationships as is happening now, and this is in part to the widespread use of information which has now changed. Communication is one of the essential features of the human being and human behavior psychology this in itself a social being by nature. Paradoxically, each individual has a unique appearance of a microcosm to put it another way, "every head is a world" and each individual, to be surrounded by other more pressing need to engage with these sooner or later and in some way or another, that by itself already represents a challenge with some difficulty, in fact our interpersonal relationships are somewhat complex entry and now imagine what psychology of human relationships represents.

Other essential factor in our relations is the personality, as this is all transmitter what we communicate in our environment, and it is this, the one that achieves others perceive us as individuals, to define certain features of our very special person. By communicating we are sending our psyche to others at the same time they also convey his, which creates a process that involves the entire human being and his psychology; this is more a development that a range of constituents, it is then a succession of actions and reactions to our environment, with a partial fixation of lived experience and an unlimited view of possibilities. In any time we are sending and receiving messages, and these can be developed or unconsciously, made ​​in an entirely deliberate. So every human being is projected to communicate and so it is in the interaction of the factors that give rise Human Relationships.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011





Thinking About a New Career? Explore Your Options

Career exploration is the second stage of the career planning process. You will begin to explore careers after completing the first stage of the career planning process, self assessment. During that stage you took inventory of your values, interests, personality and skills. You should have come away from the self assessment stage with a list of careers that are appropriate for you based on what you found out about yourself. Now it's time to learn about the careers on your list so you can begin to make that list shorter. Your goal is to eventually narrow it down to the one career you want to pursue. Try not to eliminate any career from your list until you do, at least, a little bit of research about it. Even if you think you know about an occupation, you may be surprised by what you learn.

Start With the Basics

At first you will just want to gather some basic information about each career on your list. Let's assume you have a list of ten occupations. You can do some preliminary research which will allow you to narrow down your list before you do more in depth research. When exploring careers you will need basic information such as job descriptions, employment statistics, job outlook, earnings and educational and training requirements. For basic information, use these resources:
After reading up on the careers on your list you will find that several of them don't appeal to you. For example, you may decide that you wouldn't enjoy the job duties of a particular career or that you can't (or choose not to) meet its requirements. The earnings may be lower than you thought or its outlook doesn't look promising. In the end, you will be left with a list with no more than about three careers on it.

Delve Deeper

After you narrow down your list of career choices your research will become more involved. You will want to learn what working in the field is really like, at least as much as you can without actually working in it. The best way to do this is to talk to people who do.
  1. Utilize your network to compile a list of people who work in your field or fields of interest.
  2. Set up informational interviews with them.
  3. See if any of your contacts are willing to let you follow him or her around at work for a day.
After your in depth research, you should be able to determine which career is a good match for you. Try not to get frustrated if, at this point, you can't make a decision. Continue to do more research until you can comfortably make a decision.

Goals or objectives development

The career management process begins with setting goals/objectives. A relatively specific goal/objective must be formulated. This task may be quite difficult when the individual lacks knowledge of career opportunities and/or is not fully aware of their talents and abilities. However, the entire career management process is based on the establishment of defined goals/objectives whether specific or general in nature. Utilizing career assessments may be a critical step in identifying opportunities and career paths that most resonate with someone. Career assessments can range from quick and informal like those on CareerBuilder or may be more indepth like those such as Myers-Briggs and CareerLeader supported assessments found on MyPath. Regardless of the ones you use, you will need to evaluate them. Most assessments found today for free (although good) do not offer an in-depth evaluation.
The time horizon for the achievement of the selected goals or objectives - short term, medium term or long term - will have a major influence on their formulation.
  1. Short term goals (one or two years) are usually specific and limited in scope. Short term goals are easier to formulate. Make sure they are achievable and relate to your longer term career goals.
  2. Intermediate goals (3 to 5 years) tend to be less specific and more open ended than short term goals. Both intermediate and long term goals are more difficult to formulate than short term goals because there are so many unknowns about the future.
  3. Long term goals (more than 5 years), of course, are the most fluid of all. Lack of life experience and knowledge about potential opportunities and pitfalls make the formulation of long term goals/objectives very difficult. Long range goals/objectives, however, may be easily modified as additional information is received without a great loss of career efforts because of experience/knowledge transfer from one career to another.
  4. Making career choices and decisions – the traditional focus of careers interventions. The changed nature of work means that individuals may now have to revisit this process more frequently now and in the future, more than in the past.
  5. Managing the organizational career – concerns the career management tasks of individuals within the workplace, such as decision-making, life-stage transitions, dealing with stress etc.
  6. Managing 'boundaryless' careers – refers to skills needed by workers whose employment is beyond the boundaries of a single organisation, a workstyle common among, for example, artists and designers.
  7. Taking control of one's personal development – as employers take less responsibility, employees need to take control of their own development in order to maintain and enhance their employability.

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