Monday, October 17, 2011


You must have read all over the internet 2012 the end of the world, the start of troubled times, the doomsday. But can you verify which of what you’re reading is true and which ones are not? Here are some famous internet assumptions that should be verified for their truth value:
Nostradamus Predicted 2012 as Doomsday Date
Answer: FALSE
Michel de Nostradame, more known as Nostradamus, has published collections of prophecies that is now famous worldwide, especially the internet. His prophecies can be sometimes very specific or very vague, depending on very flexible interpretation.
One of the more famous predictions associated with him is the December 2012 the end of the world doomsday. Nothing could be more wrong with this doomsday connection. While some of Nostradamus’ prophecies may (and I stress, may) point to 2012, none of his thousand prophecies speak of the specific date. Nostradamus’ real doomsday date, one where he really speaks of a date, was scheduled last August 1999 and did not happen (because obviously we’re still here). Some of his prophecies, like his prediction of Adolf Hitler and World War 2, or the World Trade Center bombing, are more than enough to offset this failed prediction however.
The Mayan Calendar Ends on 2012
Answer: TRUE

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